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Lily Shreds trailside.

Lily, MtnRanks.com mascot doing what she loves, chasing bikes. Filmed in park city, ut at our new trailside bike park. Enjoy. http://www.MtnRanks.com


  • + 151
 Wow, that was literaly one of the best rider/dog vids I have ever seen on pinkbike.
Well done man, riding was great, and Lily is a SUPERSTAR!!!
  • + 266
 That dog takes jumps better than I do haha
  • + 64
 hahaha, this is amazing. only if my dogs werent fat and lazy
  • + 37
 pinkbike on the front page of reddit!!
  • + 51
 Keeper pinned little ripper! Would be good to get some opposite camera angle too- ie put the gopro on the dog!
  • + 26
 Awesome Video.... I just hope he never hits the brakes while the dogs running that close to him....
  • + 15
 coolest dog ever!
  • + 69
 yah cats dont do that.
  • - 154
flag ShastaOutdoorMedia (Nov 21, 2011 at 0:13) (Below Threshold)
 Hahaha it's just after midnight and I don't know WTF I just watched....oh, and 233054 views with less than 200 favs??? Someone's got a bot running...

Cool vid though, that dog's going to have ridiculous arthritis in like a year.
  • + 7
 lily hauls ass!
  • + 25
 Shastaiutdoormedia - or its been posted to other websites for non pinkbike users to watch as well....
  • + 13
 i wanted to see how he handled a 15ft drop
  • - 53
flag OliScale (Nov 21, 2011 at 3:42) (Below Threshold)
 Oh my god a video of somebody taking their bike out of a truck! Never seen that before! Other than that, it was a cool vid aha
  • + 3
 1) Shit, I'm making a vidéo and I wanted to use that song...
2) where's the button "off" to turn that dog off Big Grin he's full of energy damn!
  • + 5
 that dog corners like no other!
  • + 7
 He's 4wd, it helps. Awesome vid, much love for lily
  • + 6
 my dog wouldn't have the stamina for this! sweet video though that dog was clearing the jumps :O it will be pulling whips next!!
  • + 1
 That is so fantastic! Great vid.
  • + 1
 WTFF that thing is a speed demon! gap jumps?
  • + 3
 rad as lily
  • + 7
 haha i like how the dog is clearing the jumps as well as he is! Big Grin
  • + 6
 Lily must have like 3c compound as pads...maxxis' next great tread design-dog paw
  • + 5
 Gotta sound gay but....this is so f*cking cute, i love dh doggies tup , yours looks so happy! she also clears those jumps...awesome video..i had a dog, she used to play with rocks also! Frown moved to an apartment..said goodbye.
  • + 8
 riding was decent but the dog fuckin rips
  • + 33
 i tried this and just ran my dog over
  • + 13
 Hahah Nathan! This dog needs a go-pro...
  • + 5
 haaha my dog cuts all the switchbacks and runs infront of my tire..
  • + 1
 link to trail dog video

Our dogs need to hook up for a trail ride /run... haha
  • + 1
 i agree Smile i have a 2 jack russells
  • + 1
 Man I love this video. I would be so worried about hitting Lily, but I suppose Lily know what she's doing Smile
  • + 4
 Dear Santa...
  • + 1
 at 2: 13 lily looks so majestic in slo mo
  • + 1
 Usain Bolt eat your heart out!
  • + 60
 Brings a new meaning to Tail-whip! Awesome video!
  • + 0
 This dog needs to do crankworx she would kill it
  • + 42
 That dog is a gift from heaven....you have a friend like no one else!
  • + 2
 I agree, you are lucky to have a friend like that. Best video! Smile
  • + 3
 Awesome freeride dog.
  • + 2
 no wonder why they say "A man's best friend is a Dog!"

Also that dogs got some serious stamina, one way to keep it fit rather than walking!
  • + 2
 Don't whip your dog in the air!
  • + 17
 That's awesome when it gaps the tabletops
  • + 2
 Yeah for sure, love how it takes the inside lines on the corners too
  • + 16
 put a camera on lily!!
  • + 4
 it will probebly shake too much... He probebly got the best angle in the vid
  • + 13
 the dog did a whip on one of the jumps. i can't do one yet.... i lose at life.
  • + 7
I have to admit that this is one of the most amazing videos ever. I love the speed and agility of the dog.
@Rossimo 37- How did you teach her to keep the distance? I have a little bit of difficulties with that since my dog outruns me somethimes.

GREAT video
greetings from Slovenia
  • + 10
 it is not easy. i first had some hold lily back so i could get some speed then let her go. But that didnt work well for long, so i would just stop and say no and hike back to the starting point everytime she took off in front of me. She started to figure out that we were not going to go if she was in front. it took a lot of time. it also helps to nip them with the front tire, they just need to learn that the tire is something to stay away from.
  • + 1
 it is not easy. i first had some hold lily back so i could get some speed then let her go. But that didnt work well for long, so i would just stop and say no and hike back to the starting point everytime she took off in front of me. She started to figure out that we were not going to go if she was in front. it took a lot of time. it also helps to nip them with the front tire, they just need to learn that the tire is something to stay away from.
  • + 9
 Just another reason why dogs are soooo much better than cats! Great vid.
  • + 2
 In this aspect only, Cats have it on the maintenance side in spades. But I have yet to see a cat trail run..;-)
  • + 7
 that lil pup can throw the sickest scrubs, good for you man.... makes me miss my dog even more!
  • + 7
 This is on Reddit front page. Wut
  • + 2
 Lily, you would loved to have met my Jack, Archie. He would have run off the trail after some random animal but would eventually find his way home. He rests in peace now, burried by me and my 3 year old daughter in our front yard. This vid brought a tear to my eye. Best vid of the Year in my book.
  • + 2
 That was filmed so well! However, I couldn't help but feel nervous every time Lily got close to the rear wheel or went on the inside of a turn. I hope she never gets caught she's super awesome. My dogs would do the complete opposite and have me chasing them!
  • + 4
 thanks for the comment, i have spent a lot of time with lily teaching her how to be around bikes. she knows to keep her distance.
  • + 2
 Awesome! 1:55 looks like Lily was thrown over the jump... my Amber would love to run the trails with Lily! Love the sound track. You beat me to it with this video... have been doing a new one with my dog Amber but haven't edited yet and now it's going to look like I've copied you! Props to you both, wicked vid! Smile
  • + 3
 thats awesome put it out, i would love to see more dogs shredding.
  • + 2
 There's a short version (long being worked on at the mo) at www.pinkbike.com/video/229327 and there's my original that I did about a year ago that featured Amber with nearly 180,000 views on YouTube... www.pinkbike.com/video/170966 . Amber was watching your video on my TV and was fixated by Lily, kept thinking Lily was behind the TV! Smile
  • + 7
 Put the gopro on the dog
  • + 4
 I love how the dog is going OVER doubles, railing berms and actually takes a quicker line a 2.37!!!! :-)
  • + 1
 Great video...Lily is a fantastic dog....Ceaser (The dog whisperer) would be proud!!! I wish my bully was able to ride with me. Still love him to death regardless. I think there's another dog chasing his owner video somewhere on Pinkbike. It was pretty amazing as well.
  • + 3
 Hey Rossimo37, you should enter your vids into the next Banff Mountain Film Festival, 2012.
Send me an email, I'm the film coordinator: banffmountainfilms@banffcentre.ca
  • + 1
 Great video and Lily is a star. My JRT passed away a few years ago but he couldn't hang with Lily. There are no tougher dogs. Good job working with her and keep the videos coming!
  • + 1
 Great vid, awesome little mutt! My dog can go out and run trails with me all damn day, but put her behind the bike and she blows herself up in about an hour. Very frustrating.
  • + 4
 329000 views alreaddy holy shit and i think lily needs a sponsor
  • + 1
 A cup o' joe in the morning and that vid will put a smile on anyone's face! Got me motivated to capture some of my lil' shredder too. Anyone have some suggestions on what kind of hd camera and a good way to mount it?
  • + 3
 great vieo !! Big Grin I ride to with my doog vimeo.com/30122972 ... what is music ?
  • + 5
 The Clancy Brothers & The Dubliners, mtn dew. and The Naked and Famous, Young Blood. glad you liked it..
  • + 4
 Did you ever whipped your dog away Big Grin ?
  • + 1
 she gets close for sure, but been spending alot of time teaching her to keep her distance.
  • + 20
 keep her distance to stop her from beating you ? Wink
  • + 1
 Jack russells are so fun. My parents have one. She loves to chase anything that moves too. And you can bet on you wearing out first too.
  • + 1
 totally Carrot, she is faster than me haha.
  • + 3
 I think my girlfriend likes this video more than I do. Better than watching the Notebook for sure
  • + 2
 This video made me smile so big Smile
Thanks for the vid, and LILY is a monster!
  • + 2
 Lily absolutely destroyed that trail, railed the berms, sticking every landing, such a lil shredder! I loved that video!
  • + 3
 Is the dog sponserd wuff wuff.bril vid
  • + 3
 She's quick, but she keeps cutting the berms! Big Grin
  • + 1
 hehe inside line ftw! I have a 2 year old whippet, but no camera, im pretty sure my dog Booster clears gaps better than I do, and when Im puffed, he just wants more. I just need to make sure i have a small bowl in my camelback for him when he finally decides he needs a drink.
  • + 1
 I wanted to adopt a Jack Russel for my family, this video just confirms my choice...pooch will absolutely have to tag along on my weekend rides!
  • + 2
 I love how the dog is going OVER doubles, railing berms and actually takes a quicker line a 2.37!!!! :-)
  • + 1
 What's the utility/jacket type thing you've got on her? Been looking for something similar for my dog. Oh, and great vid, man.
  • + 1
 When did you start training her?? We have a 4 month old mutt right now... we're planning just to ride around in our back alley to get her used to the bikes and following...
  • + 1
 Lily is a pink bike superstar i cant wait to get a dog and be able to ride and have man's best friend along side me. great stuff
  • + 3
 that dog stole my girlfriend.
  • + 2
 Sorry man, but at the end of this video your doggy was the hero! lol Super nice doggy!!
  • + 6
 dont be sorry, thats why i made the vid ... i knew she ripped better than me.
  • + 2
 wayy too amped on the song choice..... i have never met anyone else that knows of the clancy brothers! yewww!
  • + 1
 Alright alright, we have seen how lily handles on the gaps and flowy trails, but what about the rock gardens and technical trails?
  • + 2
 just wait until next summer, she will be old enough to take on the longer bigger stuff.
  • + 2
 haah the dog gets as much air as you! jk...but great video and your dogs awsome!
  • + 2
 You got some stiff competition.... pretty sure I saw Lily whip one of those jumpsSmile
  • + 2
 how much red-bull did this dog have ???
jks Razz

most amzing bike and dog ive ever seen Smile
  • + 3
 ahha i love how it just airs the jumps!
  • + 1
 I have a dog that follows me like that, but he keeps getting too close to me when I do jumps, how can I teach him to keep his distance while we shred?
  • + 2
 just spend some time correcting him, and hiking back up and hitting it again if he gets to close stop and start over. It takes some time. i had to do it over and over and over. i also keep treats in my pocket so when she does it right she gets a reward, it helps them figure it out quicker.
  • + 2
 Life is always good when your Best Friend is right behind ya...just awesome!
  • + 3
 made my day this...cheers
  • + 3
 Definitely VOD at the very least! Wicked dog.
  • + 1
 That dog video just made my day. FuFrown $ so good!!! Lol the dogs face just loving it!
  • + 1
 Very inspirational. I used to have a dog too, but he was lacking in interest towards biking Wink
Very nicely done.
  • + 2
 Simply awesome! Great dog.
  • + 1
 I wish my dog could do this. The second I let him off the leash he would probably be gone.
  • + 2
 that dog was even getting air!!
  • + 1
 AHAHAHAHHA he made a bunch of the gaps, that thing was flying and railing those berms!>@#
  • + 2
 Gives a new meaning to Tail-Whip! Awesome video!
  • + 2
 That dog should be wearing a red bull helmet.
  • + 1
 This is the best video!! I love taking my dog with me riding too! Great park!
  • + 1
 faved just because of the dog. the dog was no brakes pinning on the inside lines the whole way
  • + 1
 So sick! Wish I had a dog to try something like this with, don't think I'd get the same affect with my turtles...
  • + 5
 you need to upgrade those turtles.
  • + 2
 thats it dudes instead of 4x could do paw cross!
  • + 1
 ha ha ha
  • + 1
 I have never commented on a video/photo before, but this was awesome. Good kiwi song too. Props bro.
  • + 1
 my dogs got something to live up to :L and thts got to be the best way to walk a dog ever ?
  • + 2
 That dog is pretty decent at scrubbing.
  • + 2
 2.20-2.22 that dog got some distance!!:P
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Great 5 ' clock Vid... Made me smile before the daily road raged drive home.
  • + 1
 that dog is extreme, and seems more crazy master q, plus the dogs belong to the world of bikes
  • + 1
 i said to myself when the rider got to the wall ride: the dog won't do a wall ride..... or does he??
  • + 1
 I absolutely love this video! It reminds me so much of my dog when I take her out riding Smile
  • + 1
 I heard that riding downhill with your dog is really bad for their joints.
Does anyone really know about this?
  • + 1
 it's not great but as long as you're not an idiot and don't take them out for hours at a time and give them lots of rests everything should be ok, my dog shreds enduro with me alot
  • + 1
 thats right, they just need to build up to it. take them on really short rides at first and slowly build them up to longer ones. and give them time to rest
  • + 2
 That vid made my day. What type of dog is Lily, I want to adopt a dog!
  • + 4
 lily is a jack russell terrier.
  • + 1
 am pretty sure, that dog is a "fox terrier chileno" any way best trial/dog ever ..... yep must be chileno then
  • + 2
 she is a jack russell, she is still a pup so she is skinny and hasnt filled out yet.
  • + 1
 Sweet vid! Gotta find a way to safetly mount the gopro on Lily! And by safe more so for the dog haah!:P Awesome VODBig Grin
  • + 1
 dude I watched this video yesterday and I was like this will probably be VOD tomorow... true story
  • + 2
 haha dude thats such a cool video ur dog rocks luvin it VOD!
  • + 1
 1.56 looks likes hes gonna tailwhip the dog in the face or sumin :L fairplay tho this is awesome
  • + 2
 @1:45 the dog gaps the jump Big Grin
  • + 2
 awsome dog man he is beter than you lol hahah jkjkjk
  • + 1

Our dogs need to hook up for a trail ride /run.
  • + 2
 What are you doing with Chuck Norris' dog? haha! She such an epic dog
  • + 2
 what song is this? sounds like M83
  • + 1
 The Naked And Famous - Young Blood
  • + 2
 holy crap that dog is jumping doubles
  • + 1
 not just the awesome trail but that dog man! most definitely earned man points there.
  • + 2
 Serious Question: What are you feeding that dog?
  • + 1
 wihout the dog in this video it would be crap no offence to him and that dog is a hero Big Grin
  • + 1
 This is the hottest thing on Reddit video page at the moment?! Good effort Lily!!
  • + 2
 Mount the gopro on her harness as you would get some sweet videos
  • + 1
 I agree with you on this one as well, even though my dog cant even keep up with me on the shore
  • + 3
 D.O.G. G.O.D. V.O.D.
  • + 1
 The Perfect example of 'One Man And His Dog' Smile .. and a bike, of course Big Grin
  • + 1
 I wish that I wasn't scared of dogs!!! I would love to have a dependable riding partner.
  • + 1
 best dog EVER! cats are so stupid they aren't even smart enough to know how to do any thing close to that!
  • + 1
 The dog will be world champion one day Big Grin This video is great, makes me happy Smile
  • + 1
 For all of those wondering, the song is called: Naked and Famous - Young blood.
  • + 1
 haha that is so cool, that dog definately doesnt go short of getting proper excercise anyway
  • + 1
 wow, the dog is a ripper!
what gopro mount do you use at the rear triangle?
  • + 1
 lol thqat dog cout air!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 the handle bar gp mount/ seat mount. its a tight space and if you are pinning it its tough to keep the gp in the right spot it just rattles out.
  • + 2
 1:56!!!! Lily getting all steezy!!!! VIDEO OF THE MONTH!
  • + 1
 Lily Rocks!!! She looks like a fun riding buddy and she can even hit the jumps and get air!!!!
  • + 0
 "Smile" i think is the initial response when you see something "Cute" ...

on this one... I LOLed!

Cute Lily and the way she jumps is so amazing! ^o^
  • + 1
 What version of the real old mountain dew is the intro song? I mean who covers it? also great vid, cheers!
  • + 2
 That dog rips!! Gapping doubles and railing berms, VOD!!
  • + 1
 VOD, and yeah i'm going to train my dog to do that aha Big Grin
  • + 1
 hahaha.....gooooo lily go
  • + 1
 That dog must be soo hyper
  • + 1
 someones gotta sponsor that dog! redbull forget Pastrana! Big Grin
  • + 1
 Could I please have Lily? Love her!! Wink
  • + 2
 That dogs pinned!
  • + 1
 that dog is getting as much air as the rider!!
  • + 1
 Just Freaking Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 the dog ride better than I doo hahahahahaha
  • + 1
 wheres this park at in pc? im local and would love to ride it next season!
  • + 1
 ohh your dog is soooo crazy!!!Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • + 1
 That was one hell of a funny video!
  • + 1
 reminds me of my little jack that i just lost Frown
  • + 1
 lol at 1.59 where the dog takes off ! :L ROTFLMAO
  • + 1
 This is the best....you should enter it for the Superbowl commercial. Smile
  • + 1
  • + 1
 down hill dog racing anybody
  • + 1
 I love this video, Lily is amazing! :-)
  • + 1
 Dude even the dog can scrub!
  • + 1
 awesome vid...awesome dog!
  • + 1
 Goooo Lilly goo awesome clip
  • + 1
 That video has just made my Wednesday=)
  • + 1
 That dog would totally get the Strava for Dogs KOM on the track
  • + 1
 Lily jumps better than me -_-
  • + 1
 as my dog sneezes and falls off the couch
  • + 1
 so cool .... beats a W A L K all day long ....
  • + 1
 I really like how the dog clears the doubles! xD
  • + 1
 What's the name of the second song????pleaaaseee
  • + 1
 played out song...good work on that bro
  • + 1
 i'm more impressed with the dogs jumping skills!
  • + 1
 wow i wish my dog could do that!!!
  • + 1
 Well done dog.you looks like faster than the rider.
  • + 1
 If my dog could do that, she would think she died and went to doggy heaven
  • + 1
 Thats a great video, awesome dog! where is that trail?????
  • + 1
 Dude and his dog is too cool, great show of man and his best friend!
  • + 1
 I'd be worried that I'd run it over with my back wheel.
  • + 1
 I wish my dog was like that
  • + 2
 pure awesomeness Smile
  • + 1
 just an amazin vid !! great way to keep your dog in shape !! song ??
  • + 1
 That's the best-biking dog I've ever seen!
  • + 1
 The best film I've seen in my life Smile This is amazing and funny!!!!
  • + 1
 The best video I have ever seen on Pinkbike. Love it!!!! Great job.
  • + 1
 how much travel does your dog have?
  • + 1
 im gonna get a dog and train it to ride bikes so we can shred together
  • + 1
 nice goes well with the dog keep it up!!
  • + 1
 watching this Video for the 4th time this week! I love it!!
  • + 1
 Dog takes the berms better than i do...lol great video!!!!!
  • + 1
 I laugh so hard when the dog jumped
  • + 1
 Wow that dog s crazy and that was a great riding vid Vod good job
  • + 1
 what kind of dog is that??
  • + 1
 New definition of doggystyle ! Big Grin
  • + 1
 cuttest downhill dog ever:>:>
  • + 1
 love ya idea of taking the dog for a walk lol brilliant vid
  • + 1
 what is the second song ?
  • + 1
 The dog was clearing like 7foot tables
  • + 1
 Cutest and Gnarliest dog ever! Great filming on top of that aswell.
  • + 1
 Sick! I gotta make a vid with my Beagle Kona!
  • + 1
 Lily does indeed shred. Super fun to watch. Well Done!
  • + 1
 thats my dogs name too! i wish she ripped like this one
  • + 1
 awesome dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 Anyone know what kind of harness Lily is wearing?
  • + 1
 she has a ruff wear harness, they are great. you can pick them up from the handle and even lower them from a rope down rough steep terrain. www.altrec.com/ruff-wear/web-master-dog-harness
  • + 1
 That dig is so funny chasing you down that trail Smile
  • + 1
 COOL dig the body armour!
  • + 2
 i envy your dog
  • + 1
 me too
  • + 1
 Love Lily she is wonderful. What is the second song?
  • + 1
 The new way to walk your dog!
  • + 2
 great vid, my fav
  • + 1
 what is the breed of this dog? cheers
  • + 1
 That dog needs to be sponsored.
  • + 1
 Lily doubles... Out-freaking-STANDING!!
  • + 1
 Best riding film ever fact
  • + 1
 Where the dog has a helmet? Big Grin
  • + 1
 Im not sure who i was watching more, the rider or the dog!
  • + 1
 Awesome Video! My kids and wife enjoyed it too! RideOn!
  • + 1
 Loved it, she aired the doubles!
  • + 1
 oh! I see a dog
nope! Chuck Testa Wink
  • + 1
 Put a huge smile on my face Big Grin Thanks
  • + 1
 VOD ! and DOY (Dog Of the Year) !
  • + 1
 That dog's going to win a world cup some day.
  • + 1
 love you lily !! the best puppy in the world !
  • + 1
 Art of Flight: Jackson Hole Segment? I think so!!
  • + 1
 i want a puppy like that!! sick video man!!!
  • + 1
 Why does everyone hate when people take their bikes out of their trucks?
  • + 1
 for sure, i mean how else do you get bikes to the bike park?
  • + 1
 at 1:55 I think that dog tabled
  • + 1
 sick video man that dogs awesome
  • + 1
 which is the first song ?? : )
  • + 1
 the clancy bros, mountain dew
  • + 2
 i will buy this dog ?
  • + 1
 Damnit... that dog shreds harder than me...
  • + 2
 me to, i had to force her to stay behind me!!!
  • + 1
 thats what i call walking the dog Razz
  • + 1
 best vod ive seen in a while good work!!
  • + 2
  • + 1
 i must admit, his five tens do get a lot of coverage
  • + 1
 shes world cup material, VOD!!
  • + 1
 that dog RIPS it. Awesome
  • + 1
 one way to have fun taking your dog for walkies
  • + 1
 Did I just see a dog whip a tabletop!?
  • + 1
 That dog is amazing oh and good riding too Smile
  • + 1
 Bikes & dogs = The only way to ripp trails!
  • + 2
 Why is that dog SO FAST?
  • + 1
 mans best friend and toy ftw
  • + 1
 i like this alot and nice trails tooo
  • + 1
 That dog is awesome. It railes berms harder then I do.
  • + 1
 that dog has got the best line choice ever haha so fast amazing video
  • + 1
 wow! would you do this with cat? Big Grin dogs ftw !
  • + 1
 Gives me hope for my Jackie!
  • + 1
 sounds like M83, what song is this?
  • + 1
 naked and famous, young blood.
  • + 1
 Who said trail dogs had to be a large breed?! This little girlie kills it!
  • + 3
 She should be sponsored haha
  • + 1
 That dog is genuinely awesome! Big Grin
  • + 1
 nice vid and the song is unreal and props to trail dog
  • + 1
 did anybody else see the dogs sweet whip? hes got amazing style Big Grin
  • + 1
 Amazing song at the start!
  • + 1
 the ultimate downhill dog !
  • + 1
 Fuck yeah!! Lily making it big! haha good job Ross!
  • + 1
 hell yeah Beau, thanks Brudda.
  • + 1
 get ur dog to do the wallride, and sick vid
  • + 1
 been thinking about how i can get her to do that.
  • + 2
 Epic gap by the dog
  • + 2
 your dogs pro dude
  • + 1
 REALY REALY nice vod =D The dog jumping too so cool men XD
  • + 1
 is onde os my faves XP
  • + 1
 wish i had a dog like that!
  • + 1
 best VOD ever . definitely VOD worthy .
  • + 1
 Shred it Lily! Kick @ss!
  • + 1
 muito bom video!
alguem pode falar nome da musica?.. até mais
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 Great vid.I have Jack Russel named lilly to,amazing animals!and super fun to ride with
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 Amazing! That's it I now officially want a Jack Russel terrier
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 That has to be the coolest dog ever
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 Love the music at the beginning! Great vid.
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 LOL hyperactive dog:P
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 lily is the nutts man sick vid
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 i want that dog!!!
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 Lily rocks, super video!
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 love this vid ! =D
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 That puppy is PINNED!
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 perhaps the worlds most irritating dog, couldn't think of anything more off putting when riding than a dog running next to me.
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 dogs rule. vod.
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 Of course, she can!
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 This is amazing! Lily's a Champ!
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 I cried. haha
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 wow that was awsome
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 wow that dog is fast
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 Is she a jack russel?
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 yup ... and only 9 months old.
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 major feels
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 My favorite video
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 Beautiful Smile
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 That dog SHREDS!!!
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 perro loco
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 That is one badass dog!!
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 Lily you the inspiration
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 Awesome video.
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 The dog is incredible.Big Grin
  • + 1
 fucking awesome
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 Go speed racer.
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 That is so effin' cute!
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 that dog mobs
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 lily SUPERSTAR Big Grin
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 dublin up
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 that pooch was pinned!
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 front page on Reddit ftw
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 dog was pinned!
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 Props to Lily. RESPECT.
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 That dog hauls!!!!
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 1.46 even the dog jumps
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 Awesome video! Go Lily!
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 Amazing dog!!! Smile
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 VOD, no doubt !!!
  • + 1
 that is AWESOME
  • + 1
 so sweet! Great Lily!
  • + 1
 mean dog!
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